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Contoh Speech Terbaik

Today’s Information Technology
SMA Plus N 2 Banyuasin III

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.
The honorable juries, ladies and gentlemen,
Do you have a facebook account or maybe a twitter? Do you like going to internet cafe or “warnet”? How many times do you go there? Once in a week, twice in a week, or everyday? Or maybe you do it at home?

It’s something undeniable that today, information technology or IT plays an important role in every people’s life such as: students, workers, or even housewives. So that’s why in this special occasion, let me Ambar Delfi Mardiunti from SMA Plus Negeri 2 Banyuasin III deliver my speech entitled ‘Today’s Information Technology’.

I’ve devided my speech into three parts.
Firstly, I will tell you about the definition of information technology.
Secondly, I will tell you about the positive effects and negative effects of information technology for the society.
Thirdly, I will tell you about the utilization of information technology for the society.
The honourable juries, ladies and gentlemen.
According to Haag and Keen, information tecnology is a set of tools which help someone works for infomation and does tasks related to the information process. While in, it is written that information technology is  general term for any technology which help people in making, changing, saving, communicating and/or sharing information. Information technology unites the coputation and high speed communication for data,sound and video.It can be inverred the information technology is a set of communication mean which is unlimited to save , to send or to share the information data that we got to all people all over the world. Do you know, there’s so many kind of information Technology like: cellphone, tablet, internet, etc. According to (Asosiasi Pengguna Jasa Internet Indonesia), the users of internet in Indonesia is about 82 million people. Most of them are the middle class society.

Unluckily, the honourable juries , ladies and gentlemen, this great invention has given two effects for the society. They are the positive effects and the negative effects.The positive effects of internet are: 
1.   The advantage on administration field. 
Today, you need only to type the data that you want in the computer. Because of the technology , the proccess of book-keeping and filling will be done easily and faster. 
2.   The advantage on jurnalistics communication world.
In this field, information add various data can be offered through the internet so that the writers and the jurnalistics doers need only one single click  to give the information to many people simultaneously. 
3.   The advantage on social field
If before you’re missing your family and you have to wait for a long time only to send a letter, today you’re having so many choices to have a long distance communication with your family, relatives or partner

But besides internet can gives the positive effects, internet also can gives the negative effects for the society. They are: 
1.   Create a new kind of criminal or we call it as cybercrime. 
2.   Giving the access to scatter pornography works. 
3.   Giving the access to negative foreign cultures such as: having fashion which is not polite like hotpants, tanktop, etc. 
4.   Giving the access of freesex forthe teenagers.It is because the technology of the telecommunication give various information to the teenagers.

The honourable juries, ladies and gentlemen,
The utilization of information technology for the society can be found in some aspects of life. They are
1. The application of information technology in a company.
The application of information technologyusually done by the businessman.For example, the application of Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is one of software applications including the management system in a company.
2. The application of information technology on business world.
On business world, information technology is used to trade electronically or we can call it as E-Commerce. E-Commerce is a kind of trade which uses the internet communication network.

3. The application of information technology on banking industry.
On banking industry, information technology which is usually applied is the Internet Banking. Some transactions that can be done through internet banking are money transferring, balance checking, bill payment, and account information.
4. The application of information technology in education.
Internet is a cheap communication mean which enable the interaction between two people or more. The ability and the characteristics of internet makes the E-learning process be more effective and efficient that produce a good result.
5. The application of information technology on health.
A smart-card based system can be used by medical agents to know about the patient’s hospital chartthat come to the hospital.

The honorable juries, ladies and gentlemen.
As the conclusion of my speech today, it is clear that information technology is a great development which is very useful for us today. Nevertheless, this development should be followed by a ready-mental of the human resources themselves. Why? I’ll give you an illustration.
Suppose the human resource is someone who is not ready to deal with the development of information technology, he can’t avoid the negative effects of the information technology. He will not be able to manage himself to use it properly.
On the other hand, if the human resource is someone who is ready to deal with the development of information technology, he can push away all the negative effects and take the positive ones only. He will be a success and great person.

The honorable juries, ladies and gentlemen, I think that’s all my speech for today. Thank you very much for your good attention and Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

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