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Contoh Speech In The Healthy Body There is a Strong Soul

"In The Healthy Body There is a Strong Soul"

Assalamu­­­'alaikum Wr. Wb
The honorable juries and my beloved friends.
Do you know mr. Jokowi ? Do you know mr. Jusuf kala? Who is he?  Yes he is our president . How did they kept in good health?  
Its they always eat the nutriment , and go in the sports. So that’s why in this special occasion, let me Adinda sabella  from ten social program one deliver my speech entitled "In The Healthy Body There is a Strong Soul".

I’ve devided my speech into two parts.
Firstly, I will tell you about the definition of information healty
Secondly, I will tell you about the sustenance
 Thirdly, I will tell you about How to keep Healthy Body.
The honourable juries, ladies and gentlemen.
According to a large dictionary Indonesian, health is a state of body, soul, and social that allows every person to live socially and economically productive. Statutory Health is a state of body, soul, and social that allow each person to live socially and economically productive.

The honourable juries , ladies and gentlemen,
Healthy foods is a food that contains 4 main food sources of nutrients ie, side dishes, vegetables, fruits, and enhanced with milk. When viewed from the womb, 4 healthy 5 perfect food is food that contains carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and unsaturated fats. Staple foods like a cooked rice. Examples of side dishes of fish, eggs, tofu, tempeh, and legumes.

The honourable juries , ladies and gentlemen,
How to keep Healthy Body, I will give you  the way to keep healty body
1. Do not Eat be Excessively
2. Consumption Honey
3. Maintain Health
4. Fasting
5. Sports

So the conclusion if we maintain the cleanliness of the environment, and our homes, we will definitely healthy because in a healthy body there is a strong spirit

The honorable juries, ladies and gentlemen, I think that’s all my speech for today. Thank you very much for your good attention and Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

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